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МАОУ "Школа №17" Щербакова М.О.
03.05.2015, 16:36



Цель урока: обобщить, систематизировать знания о США

Основные задачи урока:

·         Развивать произносительные навыки; развивать умения и навыки аудирования с извлечением необходимой информации

·         Развивать умения устной речи с опорой на текст (оргдиалог).

·         Способствовать развитию памяти, внимания, языковой догадки, логического мышления.

·         Развивать лингвострановедческий кругозор учащихся.

·         Способствовать повышению интереса к изучению иностранного языка.

·         Учить работать в разных режимах: в парах, в группах.

Тип урока: урок повторения и обобщения изученного материала.

Формы работы на уроке: хоровая, фронтальная, групповая, парная.

Ход урока


T. Good morning, children! I’m very glad to see you!

P. Good morning! We’re glad to see you too.

T. Thank you!  Sit down please.

T. And now let’s talk a little! Luba, tell me, please, how are you today?

P. I’m fine, thank you! And you?

T. I’m fine. Thank you! And you, Valentin, how is your health today?

P. That’s OK. Thank you!

T. Elsa, tell me, please, what season is it now? Is it summer now? Maybe, it’s spring now?

- Of course, not, it’s winter now. OK. And now answer my question: what date is it today?

P. Today is the ninth of February. It’s Thursday today.

T. Good, Yulya,  what do you think about the weather like today? Is it sunny or cloudy? Is it snow or windy? Is it warm or, maybe, cold today?


1. OK. At first let’s play the "Word game” and remember some words and expressions.

2. Listening comprehension.

T. OK? And now open your student’s book at page 46, ex.1.  Listen to the song and find the places from the song on the map. Then you will listen to it once again and answer some easy questions.


What do these expressions mean?

Redwood forests – леса, где растет секвойя

The Gulf Stream waters – воды течения Гольфстрим

So, answer my questions:

 T. What  country is this  song about?

P. 1, 2 – It’s about America.

T. What’s the official name of this country?

P. The United States of America.

T. Good for you!

The next question: Where is the Sequoia National Park? In which state?

P. Of course, the Sequoia National Park is in California.

T. Well done, and now do you think what ocean does the Gulf Stream waters have?

P. The Atlantic Ocean.

T. OK, and at last, please, name the cities and the states, which you have seen on the map.

2. Follow-up activities.

T. And now we will read and listen some facts  about the United States of America. Listen to your classmates attentively, please. After that you have to do some interesting exercises.

Динамическая пауза.

T. So, you have very tired and now it’s time to have a rest.

 Презентация "Save your eyes”

 T. Look at the screen and, except  your eyes, you may also move your body!

OK, you are active again and now I want you to answer the questions of a test about the USA on the sheets of paper on your desks:

1.      America was discovered by:

a)      Christopher Columbus

b)      George Washington

c)      The Native Americans

2.      Now the President of the USA is:

a)      Bill Clinton

b)      Margaret Thatcher

c)      Barack Obama

3.      The capital of the USA is:

a)      Washington

b)      New York

c)      Los Angeles

4.      The USA has:

a)      fifty states

b)      fifteen states

c)      eighty-five states

5.      When is Independence Day?

a)      4 July

b)      26 October

c)      14 July

6.      What river is not in the USA&

a)      the Mississippi

b)      the Missouri

c)      the Thames

7.      Where is the Statue of Liberty?

a)      in New York

b)      in Washington

c)      in  Boston

8.      The American flag has:

a)      fifty stripes

b)      thirty stripes

c)      thirteen stripes

9.      In size the United States of America is:

a)      the second in the world

b)      the fourth in the world

c)      the first in the world

10.  Which is the closest American state to Russia?

a)      Alabama

b)      Alaska

c)      Florida

Are you ready to check your answers? Поменяйтесь листочками и проверьте ответы соседа по парте.


·         Итог урока.

·         Did you like our lesson?

·         What did you like best of all?

Your hometask for Tuesday will be to answer the question: Do you want to go to the United States of America? And why? Write 4-5 sentencies.

T. Thank you for your work. Good-bye.

 Если останется время:

Make the word combinations. Write them:


of Liberty






for Independence

The Statue





Tea Party


States of America






Chrismas tree, Liberty Bell, George Washington, United States of America, The Statue of Liberty, War for Independence, Santa Claus, Boston Tea Party, Independence Day, Christopher Columbus.

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